Touch Screen Nutrition

September 16, 2009 at 2:31 pm 3 comments

As a work-from-home mom, there are some days when I just have to get out of the house.  First of all, I need a change of scenery or the walls start to close in on me.  Second, there isn’t a door thick enough to block out the determined toddlers who just want momma to play with them.  On the days I decide to work outside the house I look for two things – healthy food and free internet access.  Today, I found both at a nearby Panera Bread. 

After several hours of work, I decided to head up to the counter for a hot cup of green tea when a flat screen TV caught my eye.  Turns out it isn’t a T.V. at all, but a computer kiosk that provides detailed nutrition information about everything on the menu at Panera Bread.  I couldn’t help but take a few minutes to explore and I love what I discovered. 

What a cool tool!  The kiosk offers a variety of categories for every lifestyle diet.  You can search for menu choices that have 6 grams of fiber or more, low sodium, low fat, low carb, low cholesterol, allergens, and much more.  By clicking on these choices you get a complete list of menu items to choose from.  You can also review detailed nutrition information for everything from cookies to soups. 

The hardest part about dining out is knowing what’s really in the food your eating.  But Panera has made it easy.  Wouldn’t it be great to have access to detailed information like this at every restaurant?  Maybe someday.  Until that time, here is a list of iPhone applications that can serve as a less sophisticated version of the Panera nutrition kiosk.  I use these and find them helpful when looking for healthy options on the go. 

  • Good Food
  • i Vegetarian
  • Restaurant Nutrition
  • Eating Well Healthy in a Hurry – this one really isn’t for eating out, but it’s great for recipes and grocery shopping

nutrition kiosk

Entry filed under: Uncategorized.

Creative Recycling National Eat Together Week – Sept. 20-26, 2009

3 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Pop and Ice  |  September 17, 2009 at 12:17 am

    My daughter and I just LOVE Panera! I’ll try to go there rather than fast food any day!

    • 2. broccolicupcake  |  September 17, 2009 at 8:05 am

      Me too! And they have great options for kids.

  • 3. Solar Panel  |  September 23, 2009 at 11:56 pm

    Wow, wonderful read. I just found your site and am already a fan. =)


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